Dance Studio in Orlando, FL: 2 dance rooms, free parking, all amenities included

Orlando, Orange County, Florida, United States

Dance Studio in Orlando, FL: 2 dance rooms, free parking, all amenities included
Dance Studio in Orlando, FL: 2 dance rooms, free parking, all amenities included
Dance Studio in Orlando, FL: 2 dance rooms, free parking, all amenities included
Dance Studio in Orlando, FL: 2 dance rooms, free parking, all amenities included


Amenities: Air Conditioning, Chairs, Dressing Rooms, Heating, Microphones, Mirrors, Portable Barres, Projector, Restrooms, Soundproof, Speakers, Tables, Tripod, TV, Wall Barres, Wifi
Accessibility and Safety: Free Parking, Smoke Detector, Sprung Floor
Style: Luxury
Capacity: 16 people
Sq Footage: Dance Space 1 – 460 sq.ft. / Dance Space 2 – 510 sq.ft.
Reservations Open: August 28, 2023 10:00 am
Cancellation Policies: Standard

As a Guest you can check the Cancellation Policies here.


Orlando, Orange County, Florida, United States


Rental: Rhythm Dance Orlando space will ONLY be rented for rehearsals, classes, workshops and other artistic events/activities. The studio will be rented in blocks of time as follows: 2-hour minimum. Paid rental time periods includes set-up/clean-up time. Space may be booked via mail, email or phone. Your rental time frame includes set-up and take-down of all decorations, table and chair set-up, etc, plus clean-up.

Payment: Renters will pay after the time of each rental period. Renters MUST pay for all studio space after the time it is used.
Hours and Occupancy: The studio will be available for rentals, on a space-available basis, during period described in website.
No smoking anywhere inside the building. No incense or open flames of any sort

Parking: Free parking lot are available in the building/neighborhood

48,41 €
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