Unique amazing features to automate your dance space bookings, get more visibility and earn more revenues
Save Time and Money
Dance space bookings in a couple clicks. No subscription-based apps with limited functionalities. Get everything you need. For free.
All-in-one Calendar
Manage your spaces availability in a few clicks. Get a custom calendar for each listing or manage them all together with a single calendar.
Space Rental Forms
Submit a space easily and stop worrying about forgetting important info. Collect also details about your guests with our space rental forms.
Scam Protection
We offer full protection against frauds and scams. Returns, chargebacks and payments from stolen cards may cost your business a lot of money and fees.
No Fees on Payments
ALL payment processors take a fee on your earnings. On Dancerents we cover them. The price you set for your bookings is the net amount you get.
One-click Cashout
See your revenues growing day by day. Cashout at anytime without paying fees. Track your earnings and your revenues from your profile.
Tiered Prices
Offer custom prices according to the day of the week, multiple pricing tiers for different spaces, but also time-based discounts and coupons
Pricing Extras (Upsells)
Charge your guests for cleaning, parking or for renting materials from your space. You can let them choose or just make any extra mandatory.
Instant Messaging
Your guests can message you to ask for more information about your space. Stop waiting hours for emails, just get inquiries on Dancerents.
Get Visibility
Once your listings are approved, they will become visible in our database so users in your area will be able to find your space more easily.
Targeted Audience
On Dancerents you can get discovered by dancers, performers, choreographers, dance organizations, film productions and more!
Each of your listings will have a set of social media buttons (for more than 100 different platforms) and a QR code you can print or share.
Interested in moving forward?
Register for Free and start creating your first listing,
or take a look at other spaces
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