1. Increase dance studio revenues with costumes
A quick way to increase your dance studio revenues is by renting out your costumes. If you have extra costumes you won’t use for the next shows as well as dance mats or equipment, you can rent them out! We know every Dancer is quite jealous of his own materials but, unfortunately, time is going to consume them anyway if you let them sit in a dark room! A good platform you can use for this is the most common Facebook Marketplace or some Facebook groups.
2. Host or launch a Dance Competition
If you have a couple connections with local theaters and hosts and if your area has a good amount of Dance Schools who usually attend dance competitions, you can create and host your own. Don’t forget that the quality of every dance competition must meet at least these requirements:
- high quality judges for the competition
- a wide space that can host large groups (and changing rooms, many changing rooms!)
- good prizes (whether it be cash prizes, Masterclasses, scholarships and trophies)
3. Partnership with a Dance Photographer
If you have enough space you can offer your Dancers a photo shooting with a photographer. You can host the photo shooting in your studio and collaborate with a dance photographer who can come to take photos of your dancers once in a while. This way, your Dancers will have a set of professional dance photos for their resumes. Your Studio can get a commission for the service, while the rest goes to the photographer. Social media (there are a few Facebook groups about Dance Photography), job board platforms (Indeed) or word of mouth can always help.
4. Partnership with a PT
Same as previous. You can call a PT to come to your Studio weekly to take care of your Dancers. Again, you can get a small commission for the extra service offered.

5. Invite special Guests and Teachers
Inviting a renowned Dancer for a Masterclass could increase the chances of getting more people to your Studio. You can find a wide number of Freelancers or Company Dancers available for guesting or teaching in a workshop. You can make a search on Social Media (Facebook Groups or direct messaging on Instagram for example), using external sources like Indeed, Dancefolio or using your personal contacts to find a good fit.
6. Sponsors can really increase dance studio revenues!
You don’t necessarily need to partner with the biggest brands to find good opportunities. Many local businesses are more than happy to partner with your Dance Studio as long as there’s an equal exchange. Try to find businesses that may have something interesting to offer to your Studio and try to always give something valuable back. It also doesn’t cost anything to get in touch with banks, hotels and bigger local businesses in your area, especially those who are more likely to invest in arts and culture.
7. Increase your dance studio revenues by creating engaging content
Many Dance Studios do a huge mistake. They just try to sell their own stuff without even trying to understand what the audience wants. You can read everywhere “The tickets for our next shows are ON SALE, buy them now!” or “Join our Dance School today and get a 50% discount on your first Course!”. What extra information are these messages giving to the final customer? Just one: whoever is writing them, wants to sell something. Create engaging content, give them a reason to buy (“discounted price” is not a reason), explain them the quality of teaching of your school, what are the benefits of joining it, show your future customers how people work inside of your studios, show them the results achieved, show them who are the teachers and the services offered but don’t forget the most important things: focus on the CONTENT, be CREATIVE, don’t HARD SELL.
8. Rent your Dance Space (the right way)
Maybe you didn’t even think about renting your Dance Space or maybe you’re already renting it but you’re just advertising your space on your own website (if your website is not well ranked on Google no one will see it).
Using a Dance Space Rental Platform will allow you to create your own listings, customize them, make them look professional, rent them to other dancers and artists looking for dance spaces and get tons of benefits in terms of visibility, productivity and profit.
On Dancerents you can get all these features for free. The steps are simple: click here to register, then create your Dance Studio profile and post a new listing. That’s it 🙂